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Frequently asked questions

  • Can I get same-day delivery?
    It will depend on the number of prior orders that we have. Almost always, we can accommodate a slot for you. Call us!
  • Will you let me know when the flowers are delivered?
    Yes! You will receive an email confirmation sent to your email address when the flowers have been delivered.
  • How much is your delivery fee?
    Our delivery fee is $12 in Bryan and College Station areas.
  • Is in-store pick-up available for orders purchased online?
    Yes! It is in-store pick-up available. Once the order is ready, we will call you to confirm when you will pick it up.
  • Will my flowers be left if no one is home?
    Yes! We will leave the flowers at the front door. However, in summertime (in Texas), we won't leave flowers outside. Someone needs to be at home to receive it.
  • Do you offer subscriptions, and how can I sign up?
    Absolutely! To sign up or to learn more about our subscription services, you can visit our Subscription page here.
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